uninfected:cillian murphy fan blog

Wednesday, July 23

To check out Mr. Murphy's agent go to their new website
lisa richards.ie
Sadly, Cillian's Resume is password protected. (boo hoo)

disco pigs dvd

go to this site if you want to get the cheapest disco pigs dvd .

After the premiere of 28 days later in the US, massive numbers of Cillian Murphy fans have sprung and i am feeling so proud and happy for Cillian, He IS a great actor. and he deserves all the adoration .

I have seen disco pigs more than 10x already - I love pig and runt *sigh* i wish Mr. Murphy would make more movies like Disco pigs. Plus I really want to see him on stage in the but i am not sure if he has any stage productions planned in the near future. hmmm so if any of you hear anything about him being in the west end do email me (please) (webmaster@cillianmurphy.tk)